At the beginning of this month, I went to skylight books in Los Feilez to hear my personal idol, Tavi Gevinson, and some other Rookiemag contributors do a reading. I was completely blown away by what they had to say.
First we heard Emily Gordon read a totally inspiring piece about girls and sexism in the video game world, which, while not a gamer, I completely related to.
Next Marie Lodi, a friend of mine got up to the mic and read a piece from the just wondering section about getting rejected and getting over it.
Finally Tavi got up and read her beautiful and inspiring and relatable and perfect piece.. it is the editors letter for next month's theme forever, and you will have to wait until them to read it because I'm not going to spoil it here muahahahahaha. It was all about the concept of forever, and how we all have our own little forevers, an what happens to us when they come to and end. It was literally amazing. Tavi kept getting choked up throughout the whole thing because she knew, and she even talked about with being a senior, a bit of her forever is ended/coming to an end.

After the reading, there was a signing with everyone. I had Marie, Emily, and Tavi sign my copy of Rookie Yearbook 2 but I also gave Tavi a handwritten letter that I wrote her about how Rookie has changed my life and how I wouldn't be who I am without it blah blah blah. she didn't read it then and there because that would have taken a really long time because it was really long but she looked really happy and emotional and about to cry and she remembered me from over summer and so many feeeelingzzz.

Besides hanging out with Tavi & co., I also got to meet some really cool readers. A lot of the people I met were people that recognized me or I recognized them from previous events/tumblr/instagram/anywhere else on the internet. This part was especially cool because you see someone on the internet and you talk to them only through that media, so when you finally meet them, you're juts like YOU'RE AN ACTUAL HUMAN BEING AND NOT JUST A FIGMENT OF THE INTERNET/MY IMAGINATION. There is really something to be said about the community that rookie has created, it allows readers to meet other likeminded people that they wouldn't have necessarily met before. It is really nice to be able to know you have so much in common with people who don't know you or your reputation, or who don't go to your school or even sometimes live in your area. i find that these people are people i can talk to more easily than even some of my closest friends.