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Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday Funday!

I started off my Sunday by cleaning out my closet, and taking all of the stuff I don't want over to Buffalo Exchange. I guess it was my lucky day because they took a lot of my stuff, and I made almost $70!

Unfortunately, while I was at Buffalo, my sunglasses got crushed in my bag, and now they are broken. Well, I guess thats what you get for paying $5 off some street vendor in NYC. 
R.I.P. My Sunglasses

On the bright side, I took my $70 that I made from selling my clothes and used $8.50 of it to buy new ones! Yay!
My shnazzy new shades (very similar looking to the old ones)

After Buffalo Exchange we headed over to Brandy Melville. They just opened one by my house, and I had never been before to I decided to check it out. It is a very cute little store with lots of cute stuff. Brandy Melville is a very popular store at my school, so a lot of their products I recognized as stuff my friends already had. For me the most difficult part was finding something I knew my friends did not already have. In the end I settled on a black skirt with a yellow sunflower print. I really enjoyed Brandy Melville, but the one problem I had with it was that they only have one size of everything. The employees say that one size fist most, but what that really translates to is one size fits most skinny girls. 
The grand total of everything I bought today: My sunnies, the skirt, and looking for alaska by john green (the standardized tests are coming up this week and I need something to do after I'm done.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What's on my Nightstand

Hey guys!I have seen a few other bloggers do a post like this and I thought it was cool, so I decided to do one myself. Aaaannndd now the moment you've all been waiting for.....
Heres the whole thing

My baby cactus succulent plant 
My iHome, which i put some of my stickers on
My lamp (which if you haven't noticed I also put stickers on)

My Amy Poehler Jesus candle, a picture of me and my two best camp friends, and a flashlight for emergencies


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sprangggg Braaaaak

This Past week i have been on Spring Break!It seems like it took forever to get here, and now it is almost gone...
Here are a few pics of what I did and where I went. 

I started off my spring break by seeing Christopher Owens perform live, in concert with my friend Sabrina. (for those of you who don't know who Christopher Owens is, there used to be this band called Girls, but last summer they broke up. Christopher Owens was the lead singer)

I went on a lovely hike with my mom one afternoon, the valley looks so beautiful from up high!

My new cactus plant that I bought to keep in my room 

We went to Santa Barbara for a few days, and mostly hung out at the pool!

Did a bit of roller skating on the boardwalk

Went to a art museum in SB

Watched the Royal Tennenbaums for the first time a few nights ago and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!