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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

because tangibility

Rookie Yearbook 2 came out yesterday and I could not be more excited. (mine has not come yet because I preordered it two months ago and did not want to pay $37490586 to have it come on the day it comes out so). As many of you know I am a huge fan of rookie mag (pshh its not like I have an alarm on my phone that goes off when there a new post or anything, where would you get that crazy idea from????), and so this is kind of a PSA to

a)start reading ROOKIE if you havent already 


b)BUY ROOKIE YEARBOOKS 1 & 2 (if you don't already own them in which case congratulations i now officially award you 10 cool points)

Rookie Yearbook is basically a tangible holdable non electronic form of the content that is on but it also comes with other cool stuff like a flexi disc record, a crown, tarot cards and EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FROM SUPER IMPORTANT PEOPLE LIKE MINDY KALING, GRIMES AND LENA DUNHAM!!!! So exciting, I know. 

So what are you waiting for? Get yer lazy butt of yer computer and go out and buy it!

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